With the world today as it is, going to the dogs, people getting away with murder and the government doing nothing about it, there is only one place a lot of us can find to escape. The internet. Though, discrimination does not stay away from cyberspace, and has infected the internet as well, making it often unsafe, with its own cyber bullying, harassment and stalking, discrimination, slandering, 'trolling'. The internet gave us a way to get our voices heard, with very little con consequences consequence for doing so.
This sites main goal is to create a space where we can post our own stories on the forums, talk to one another and basically have a little fun on a site where any kind of stereotyping or discrimination is not allowed. You can talk about anything on the forums here and there is no need (as long as it is legal in your country) to hold anything back. This space is to share your stories on what has happened to you. Whether you are a lesbian who has faced bullying at school, or a transgendered half way through a sex change who has been beaten for doing something to make themselves happy, if you are straight, and are having your homosexual friends force you to try the 'gay' side of life, to being a harassed for colour, race, ethnicity, age, gender, fashion choice, music choice, hair colour, eye colour, weight, height, any sexuality, drug problems, alcohol, just starting school and having no idea why its happening, religion, liking something that is not 'main stream', being straight edge.
Whatever the reason, everyone has a story to tell, so why don't you tell it.
We are also here as none professional, free advice and help when it seems nothing is left for you to do.
I hope you find a reason for being here, and I leave you with the words of someone who is not famous, but wise: "Perfection is only skin deep, and if you look close enough you can still see the cracks"
Hope to see you around the site.
Kayleigh Mansfield (Blog Admin and Founder)
Wow your blog sorta confused me with this campaign http://avoidence.tumblr.com/post/20077597839/heaveniswheretheheartis-dont-stereotype